Healing Music

Interaction of brain waves during music therapy

8th Nov., 04

1.Observing active state of the brain through brain waves The cerebrum creates a network of nerves with it's 15 billion cells and as in a super computer processes the information electrically.

These activities can be observed as long as they are in the form of brain waves.

Reviewing brain functions
1. Maintaining health
2. Competence
3. Danger and discomfort avoiding capability

The emphasis is on reflexes of positive consciousness In relation to future: dreaming, challenging attitude In relation to the present: interest, curiosity In relation to the past: satisfaction, gratitude In case of dark negative attitude danger and discomfort avoiding capability works primarily.



Challenge, expectation Thyrotropin Cells in the whole body are activated and highly motivated
Feeling of satisfaction, gratitude Dopamine Stimulates metabolism of the cell and rejuvenates the cells.
Interest, curiosity Corticotropin Improves concentration and rejuvenates the cells
Gratitude ß - endorphin Gives relief from pain and feeling of ecstasy
Insecurity Adrenaline Improves blood circulation contributes significantly in exerting muscular strength
Dissatisfaction Noradrenaline Improves blood circulation contributes significantly in exerting muscular strength


3. Here the focus is on Alpha waves.

Alpha waves are waves that represent concentration and sympathetic vibrations
1. Body mind co-ordination
2. Co-ordination between right and left side of the brain
3. Person to person interaction and a person's sympathetic vibrations towards a place


4. Methods of strengthening alpha waves : Mental relaxation and conscious concentration contribute to strengthening of alpha waves.

1 Absorbed in hobby Music, Painting, sports
2 Orient Meditation as in Zen, Yoga
3 Europe Self-directed training method (Hot sensation on palm, stomach and cool sensation on forehead)
4 America Bio-feedback method (Use of electronic equipment/s)
5 Others Training, Qigong method, Acupuncture, Music therapy


5. An example of music therapy Simultaneously measuring brain waves of Sitar player Mr. Chandrakant and a client. Measuring unit is placed at the left frontal portion of the fore head Measuring method:


Brain waves

Before the music therapy 3 minutes

During the music therapy 30 minutes

After the music therapy 3 minutes




Lower portion: Brain waves of Mr. Chandrakant Upper portion: Left Client A Right Client B Horizontal axis: Time (Full-scale 15 min.) Vertical axis: Strength of Alpha waves (Voltage µV maximum voltage 80 µV ) Synchronous phenomenon was seen after 10 minutes of sitar playing. Average value of alpha waves (Beta waves)


  Meditation before playing First half of playing /
Second half of playing
Meditation after playing
Mr. Chandrakant 16.4 (6.1) 26.6/28.1 -
Client A 6.3 (7.1) 6.4/10.1 12.7 (6.8).
Client B 10.1(9.4) 10.1/18.5 20.2 (6.218.2 (8.3)
18.2 (8.3) Client C 20.5/20.5 24.7 (5,4)


For Enquiry shiga@alphacom.co.jp URL:http://www.alphacom.co.jp

From India ……

Actual experience of “healing (learning)” through Sitar music

Sitar Player: Chandrakant Sardeshmukh (PhD in Sanskrit )

Commentator: Shiga (PhD in Engineering )

The atmosphere of the venue, where Mr. Chandrakant played sitar live, was filled with magical music and one could experience deep calmness in the place. During the question-answer session, where observations made during the music session are discussed, the most impressive aspect was that even though same music composition was heard by the participants, their individual experience were completely different. Furthermore, Mr. Chandrakant was providing courteous explanation to each and every question. I was amazed at the strength of the music and the receptivity of the participants.

After the performance when Dr. Shiga was asked “whether the magic of the music was due to the fact that the instrument used for the performance was Sitar?”: he replied, “It was Mr. chandrakant's ability to understand the atmosphere in the venue that made the difference. It is possible to have same results with other instrument as long as one is able to ‘read the atmosphere in the venue.' However, Chandrakant has been playing the Sitar since a tender age and Sitar has become part of his personality. Therefore the Sitar produces such magical music in his hands.” Listening to live performance of Mr. Chandrakant is the most magical experience. Those who did not have an opportunity to listen to Mr. Chandrakant's music, can attend the event organized by the Ipras Association.